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Welcome to Heart Of Fife
The congregations of Christ’s Kirk, St Columba’s, St Margaret’s, St Ninian’s, Leslie Trinity and Markinch & Thornton became Heart of Fife Parish of Scotland (Glenrothes, Leslie, Markinch & Thornton) on July 1st 2024.
The ministry team will includes Rev. Dr. Conor Fegan Rev. Alan Kimmitt, another minister still to be called, John Hutchison (Parish Assistant), Sandra Davie (part-time Children and Families Worker) and Irene Ure (part-time Mission Coordinator).
Initially, we are usually worshipping in three of our buildings each Sunday morning and there are other afternoon, evening and midweek services along with a lot of iother activities. Please see the calendar for details.
Our Place in the Community
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Sunday Services
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Titus 2:2
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